What to do when you get too high | Weed | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

What to do when you get too high

Cannabis is all fun and games until that one inhale, bite, or drop pushes you over the edge. Maybe you have a low tolerance. Maybe you misjudged the strength of that edible. Maybe it’s your first time trying tinctures. Either way, you're anxious, your heart is pounding in your ears, and ... is that a blanket in the corner or a ghost? Here are a few ways to calm yourself down and return to that mellow, feel-good place you were aiming for.

Keep Calm and Carry On
Winston Churchill said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Now I hope your experience isn’t anywhere that scary, but remember, “This too shall pass,” or whatever quote that you prefer to remind yourself that you will get through this phase. The effects of marijuana aren’t all that long-lasting, and sobriety will return to you soon.

Food and Water
Grab one of your favorite snacks and savor each bite. This will give your mind something else to focus on. Water or any other beverage (not alcohol) will also relieve any dry mouth, which can sometimes be the source of discomfort. If you’re feeling ambitious, bake or cook something. These can provide a form of mindfulness. Your mind is concentrated on measuring, the smell, etc., and will help bring you out of a bad moment. But be sure to remember to set a timer and double triple-check that you turned off the oven or stovetop burners when done.

For quick relief, according to science, black pepper and lemon help to relieve the effects of Mary Jane. Caryophyllene is a compound found in peppercorn that’s a potent selective CB2 antagonist, meaning it ups sedating effects of THC. Lemons also have calming compounds, like limonene, that will help you relax. Squeeze lemon juice in water. Inhale the smell of peppercorns or pop a few in your mouth to chew.

Music is another way to distract the mind. Turn on a chill playlist, like CP’s “Music to Relax to” on Spotify or some of your favorite calming tunes that you can zone out on or sing along with. To up the ante, search something along the lines of “chill visuals” or “relaxing visualizer” on YouTube. On the other end, if you’re already listening to music and feel it’s freaking you out, turn it off and revel in the silence.

More ways to calm yourself down:
· Take a shower or bath
· Get some fresh air. Go on a bike ride, run, or walk
· Create something — paint, color, make music
· Yoga/mediation
· Talk to a friend
· Watch a cartoon
· Play a game (video or board)
· Take a nap
· Play with your pet; they are not high and will not judge you

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