Pittsburgh City Paper

Bans Off Our Bodies Bash

A Benefit for Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania

Leigh Frank Jun 26, 2024 8:00 AM
Photo credit: John Altdorfer

On Saturday, July 15, Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania (PPWP) held a genuinely dazzling, memorable fundraiser at Rodef Shalom in Oakland. Sometimes, it is easy for one event to morph into another in your mind. One event looks like another; the food is similar, the crowd is the same, and so on. However, the Bans Off Our Bodies Gala is a night that will be difficult to forget – for all the very best reasons.

Photo credit: Leigh Frank

Of course, the food was great, the silent auction was incredible (featuring donations of stunning art, items from our local sports teams, travel opportunities, dining and drink, and so much more), and the entertainment was delightful. But what made that night incredible was the power of the speakers.

As a woman concerned about access to women's health care and bodily autonomy, these have certainly been dark, difficult, and challenging times. However, listening to the incredible women who run the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and PPWP, the eternally dedicated volunteers, passionate storytellers, and generous supporters of the organization, I left with a renewed sense of hope and a reignited passion for doing everything I can for women, girls, and any individual seeking healthcare – and I wasn't alone, the excitement in the air was palpable.

Photo credit: John Altdorfer
Alexis McGill Johnson

Hope Is an Act Of Resistance

Alexis McGill Johnson, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, made a memorable trip to Pittsburgh to support the Western Pennsylvania Affiliate and serve as the evening's keynote speaker. It would not be an understatement to characterize her comments as fiery.

Alexis described her job as a "hope dealer," spreading hope to all, particularly patients cared for by Planned Parenthood, "allowing them to choose hope overall."  She continued, "We are not just out here building an infrastructure of hope; we are also out here building an infrastructure of resistance, and hope is an act of resistance. We are building this infrastructure of hope through every service provided, choosing to invest in hope so that others can choose hope, too."

When discussing the priorities and plans of Planned Parenthood, she believes that "We need to secure a durable, expansive national right to reproductive freedom. One that no politician, no lawyer, no court can take away from us. That means we need to get back into the Constitution."

Alexis wrapped up her speech by reminding us that "We want abortion to be undeniable, unquestionable, and we want our bodies to be ungovernable! Planned Parenthood is that Champion who is out there fighting for you!" She was met with an emphatic standing ovation and cheers.

Following the gala, I spoke with Alexis and asked why it was so important to be in Pittsburgh. As she put it, "We are in such a critical moment when I think about what's happening across the country with 21 states that have banned access to abortion. I think about what's happening in Western PA, where we are seeing such a surge of patients coming in not only from neighboring states with bans but also from the South and Midwest. It is critical to stand with the providers, the staff, the front-line workers who are really absorbing so much of the journey women are making in this fight for their personal freedoms."

Alexis also endorsed PPWP President and CEO Sydney Etheredge's leadership: "I think she's an incredible, brilliant, and joyful soldier in the fight for freedom."

During Sydney's remarks to the crowd, she shared PPWP's successes in meeting the significant increase in the request for services. She also expressed her hope for the future "where reproductive freedom reigns supreme. For far too long, we have lived under the weight of bans that stifle our potential and limit our progress. These restrictions have confined us to paths that do not reflect what we can achieve when we have the opportunity and come together."

Supporters Give More Than Money

Throughout the evening, we heard from passionate and dedicated allies of PPWP.

Photo credit: John Altdorfer
Austin Davis

Pennsylvania’s Lieutenant Governor and McKeesport Native, Austin Davis, lent his support and voice to the call for full and equal access to abortions and health care resources for all women, promising continued support from the Governor’s Office. He was particularly emphatic about protecting the rights of his young daughter, Harper.

Photo credit: John Altdorfer
Herky Pollock, Sydney Etheredge, and Lisa Pollock

Event co-chairs Lisa and Herky Pollock provided thoughtful, welcoming remarks. However, it was Herky's emotional and heartfelt comments toward the end of the evening that resonated with so many, "I apologize for men who look an awful lot like me, making women like you feel unequal and unimportant. I'm very, very sorry on behalf of men across the country that you have to go through this because you don't deserve one darn piece of it."

Following this, Herky lived up to his word and hosted a live auction for phenomenal experiences at his local restaurants, Ritual House and Shorty's Pints and Pins.

Another poignant highlight of the evening was hearing from Pittsburgher Kelsey Leigh, a Planned Parenthood's National Storytellers Board member. Kelsey shared her personal abortion experience, describing it as "a choice that was wholly mine."

Volunteers Recognized for Decades of Service

Photo credit: John Altdorfer
Laura Horowitz

Laura Horowitz began volunteering with Pittsburgh Pro-Choice Escorts in early 1991 and continues to escort clients at Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania and Allegheny Reproductive Health Clinic. Her superpower has been described as the ability to ignore clinic protestors.

When asked why it's essential for people to support Planned Parenthood today, Laura declared, "Because a right that only exists in theory is not a right at all."

When asked why she has continued volunteering for so many years, Laura shared, "My companion escorts are just so selfless, so calm, so welcoming to patients. They make all the difference in the world. And you can see it in people's faces, how relieved they are when we say, ‘we’ll bring you through the door.’”

The patients themselves can come to us totally chill, sometimes crying; they can come to us angry, but they come, and we get them what they need. We get them in that door."

Paula Harris was also recognized as a clinic escort who provided more than 28 years of volunteer service to PPWP and women in the region.

Photo credit: John Altdorfer
Sydney Etheredge with Paula Harris and Laura Horowitz

Phenomenal Fundraising

While the evening was about so much more than money, the funds raised will allow Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania to continue providing services to everyone seeking healthcare from our region and throughout the country. What’s incredible is that when Planned Parenthood says everyone, they mean that: women, men, trans people, nonbinary, and people with any gender identity and expression. It’s hard to imagine a more inclusive approach to health care.

The event raised a phenomenal total of more than $300,000 to date.

Tiffany Jimenez, VP of Development for PPWP, was thrilled with the result, "I am profoundly grateful to our donors for their support at this year's gala. The generosity displayed here sustains our ability to continue providing vital care for our shared communities. United in our cause, we are pushing boundaries, expanding access to essential reproductive health care services, and empowering individuals to make informed decisions with confidence." She continued, "Tonight, we celebrate this collective commitment to a healthier Western Pennsylvania. Thank you to all involved in making tonight an incredible success."

None of the evening would have been possible without the unwavering support of sponsors, vendors, and volunteers. Their contributions were the backbone of the event's success, and PPWPA's gratitude to them is boundless. They helped craft an evening that was not just memorable but transformative for the shared community. The "Bans Off Our Bodies Bash" was, most importantly, a celebration of commitment to reproductive rights.

Photo credit: Leigh Frank
No Country for Old Men Embroidery by Katie Trupiano

Sydney emphasized that “by sharing our achievements together and with our guests providing such powerful calls to action, PPWP is more ready than ever to continue this critical work.”

On a personal note

I am fortunate to write content for the Pittsburgh City Paper, sharing the stories and impact of non-profit organizations improving our region.

It would be difficult for me to find a topic closer to my heart than this week's: Planned Parenthood and, more particularly, bodily autonomy for women. When I was an 18-year-old freshman, Planned Parenthood was there for me in my small college town. They kept me safe and educated by providing me with resources, access to birth control, and gynecological services.

When I was newly married and working at a Catholic University, where my health care plan did not cover birth control, Planned Parenthood was there for me again, ensuring I had control over my family planning choices.

Now that I've been lucky enough to advance in my career, I support Planned Parenthood of Western PA with a monthly donation. I want to ensure every individual has access to health care – wherever, whenever, and for whatever reason they need.

Supporting PPWP

If you are interested in volunteering, providing financial support, or interested in receiving services, visit: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-western-pennsylvania