Pittsburgh White Supremacist Hardy Lloyd arrested in connection to incident detailed in Pittsburgh City Paper story | Pittsburgh City Paper

Pittsburgh White Supremacist Hardy Lloyd arrested in connection to incident detailed in Pittsburgh City Paper story

click to enlarge Pittsburgh White Supremacist Hardy Lloyd arrested in connection to incident detailed in Pittsburgh City Paper story
Video screenshot of Hardy Lloyd giving a Nazi salute at an August protest in Mount Lebanon
On Sept. 15, U.S. Marshals picked up Hardy Lloyd, a Pittsburgh man with multiple connections to white supremacy groups, and arrested him for allegedly obtaining illegal weapons, lying to his probation officer about yelling "white power" in front of protest at the office of U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Upper St. Clair) and for lying about posting anti-Semitic fliers on cars in Squirrel Hill and Shadyside. He is expected to be returned to federal prison for violating his probation, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Pittsburgh City Paper
first reported about some of Lloyd's recent actions in August. Lloyd, who has a history of violence and membership in white supremacist organizations, resurfaced just two days after the neo-Nazi and white supremacist events in Charlottesville, Va. One Mount Lebanon resident who asked not to be named attended the Mount Lebanon protest and told CP in August that Lloyd was wearing a camouflage hat with a double lightning-bolt symbol. This symbol is sometimes referred to as “SS bolts” and is derived from the Schutzstaffel (SS) of Nazi Germany, according to the Anti-Defamation League’s website. The ADL says SS bolts are a common symbol in white-supremacist/neo-Nazi circles.

The resident said Lloyd gave a Nazi salute yelled "white power" and walked through the crowd quickly. The resident called Lloyd's actions "disturbing."

In July, he was released from prison after serving time for online harassment, threatening police officers and contacting another white supremacist. As a condition of Lloyd's parole, he was not allowed to have contact or post content on the internet in ties to terroristic organizations like white supremacists.

Lloyd took to the Internet to comment about the story and single out those who spoke to CP. For example, Lloyd called several sources connected to the story race traitors and in response to a source who said the situation in Mt. Lebanon with Lloyd "scares you." To that Lloyd wrote: "If that scares you you'll have a heart attack with my plans for the muds and jews [sic]."

click to enlarge Pittsburgh White Supremacist Hardy Lloyd arrested in connection to incident detailed in Pittsburgh City Paper story (2)
Image courtesy of creativityalliance.com
Screen shot of Lloyd's response to Pittsburgh City Paper's original story

According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, U.S. Marshals "found weapons [Lloyd] isn't allowed to have, including a hatchet, a switchblade, a modified baseball bat and a martial arts 'fighting stick' he ordered online."

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Lloyd was the former Pennsylvania head of the World Church of the Creator, an organization that believes “race, not religion, is the embodiment of absolute truth and that the white race is the highest expression of culture and civilization.” The SPLC also reports that in 2002 Lloyd began “referring to himself as ‘the doctor of all hate’ and promoting himself as the leader of the so-called ‘Order of National Socialism,’ whose motto was ‘Wake up and Kill Someone.’” In 2003, Lloyd was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility and kicked out of the World Church of the Creator.

For decades Lloyd had run-ins with the law and was in and out of jail, mostly for illegally owning firearms. In 2004, Lloyd was acquitted of a murder charge, even though he admitted to shooting and killing Lori Hann, a woman he met through online dating. The jury in that case “apparently believed that Lloyd reasonably assumed that Hann was armed,” according to SPLC. The SPLC also notes four years after the shooting, Lloyd posted a video online apparently taunting the Hann family by rapping a song titled “Bitch Killer” with the lyrics, “Bitch killer, better her than me, bitch killer, fuck Hann's family, bitch killer, I know Lori's family's grievin', bitch killer, but tonight I got even.”

Lloyd was ordered to remain in custody by U.S. Magistrate Judge Cynthia Reed Eddy. Lloyd's preliminary hearing is Sept. 19.