A free Coronavirus is a Jagoff downloadable poster, plus other alternate cover designs from the pandemic | Pittsburgh City Paper

A free Coronavirus is a Jagoff downloadable poster, plus other alternate cover designs from the pandemic

We're trying really hard to keep ourselves laughing through these hard times whenever possible, and we figured our readers could use a laugh, too. That's why we're sharing this week's cover design, illustrated by City Paper's own Abbie Adams, as our gift to you: A downloadable print-at-home Coronavirus Is A Jagoff poster to hang in your window!

Want it as your phone background instead? Check out our Instagram account, where we'll be sharing a version in our stories for you to screencap and save to your smart phone.

We also got a kick out of asking our friends and followers what other expressions they would have put on this week's cover. Here are some of our favorites:
click to enlarge A free Coronavirus is a Jagoff downloadable poster, plus other alternate cover designs from the pandemic
CP illustration: Abbie Adams
click to enlarge A free Coronavirus is a Jagoff downloadable poster, plus other alternate cover designs from the pandemic (2)
CP illustration: Abbie Adams
click to enlarge A free Coronavirus is a Jagoff downloadable poster, plus other alternate cover designs from the pandemic (3)
CP illustration: Abbie Adams
click to enlarge A free Coronavirus is a Jagoff downloadable poster, plus other alternate cover designs from the pandemic (4)
CP illustration: Abbie Adams
click to enlarge A free Coronavirus is a Jagoff downloadable poster, plus other alternate cover designs from the pandemic (5)
CP illustration: Abbie Adams
click to enlarge A free Coronavirus is a Jagoff downloadable poster, plus other alternate cover designs from the pandemic (6)
CP illustration: Abbie Adams