So far, 81% of Allegheny County mail-in ballots have been returned. Here's how to get the rest in | News | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

So far, 81% of Allegheny County mail-in ballots have been returned. Here's how to get the rest in

Election Day is tomorrow, but voters have already been casting their ballots by mail for weeks. As of Mon., Nov. 2, around 81% of the total of the requested and approved mail-in ballots in Allegheny County have been returned, and 19% remain unaccounted for.

According to data provided by Allegheny County, 413,386 mail-in applications were approved as of today (69% Democratic voters and 19% Republican), while 334,673 ballots have been returned (72% Democratic voters and 17% Republican).

And there is still time to turn in those mail-ballots and multiple ways to do so. Here's what you need to know.

What to do if you haven't mailed your ballot yet

VotesPa, the official voting website for Pennsylvania, has advised anyone who has not yet mailed in their mail-in ballot to return the ballot in-person at this point, as it's too late to get them in by using the U.S. Postal Service.

If you haven't yet mailed your mail-in ballot there are two options: return the completed ballot to the Allegheny County Election Bureau office in Downtown Pittsburgh, or take a ballot that has not been filled out to your official polling place on Election Day, have poll workers void your mail-in ballot, and vote in-person instead.

Ballots can be turned in at the Allegheny County Election Bureau office building (542 Forbes Ave., Downtown) until 4:30 p.m. on Mon., Nov. 2 and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tue., Nov. 3 (Election Day). No ballots can be turned in in-person after Election Day. Parking spaces have been set aside outside the building to allow for voters to quickly park, go inside, and return their ballot. There are election workers on the first floor to handle your ballot.

If you received a mail-in ballot, but decided you would rather vote at the polls on Tuesday, save your mail-in ballot, but don't fill it out, and take it to your polling place on Election Day. Here is a list of polling places in Allegheny County, and you can find out your polling place by visiting the state's polling-locator website.

Give your mail-in ballot to a poll worker, let them know you would like to vote in person, and they will take the ballot, void it, and make a note of this decision. If part of the ballot is missing, you will be asked to complete a provisional ballot.

What to do if you never received your mail-in ballot

Go to the Elections Division office at the City County Building and let them know. They will issue you a new ballot and you can vote right there. Remember the Allegheny County Election Bureau office building is located at 542 Forbes Ave., Downtown and is open until 4:30 p.m. on Mon., Nov. 2 and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tue., Nov. 3 (Election Day). You can also go to your polling place and complete a provisional ballot.

More information on voting is available on and