Pittsburgh Rep. Mike Doyle calls on impeachment of Trump following insurrection at Capitol | News | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Pittsburgh Rep. Mike Doyle calls on impeachment of Trump following insurrection at Capitol

click to enlarge Pittsburgh Rep. Mike Doyle calls on impeachment of Trump following insurrection at Capitol
Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
Donald Trump in the White House
U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Forrest Hills) announced today, Jan. 7 that he supports the impeachment of President Donald Trump, following the presidents actions of encouraging his supporters, who then lead a violent insurrection of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6.

Doyle tweeted that Trump "demonstrated yesterday that every day he’s President is a day he will try to overturn the election and undermine our democracy. He must be removed from office immediately." He joins dozens of other lawmakers in supporting impeaching Trump. Several hours before, Doyle also shared his support for Trump to be removed from office via the 25th Amendment.
On Jan 6., Trump supporters charged the Capitol, and pushed and struck local police, allegedly with lead pipes, broke windows, and occupied offices and chambers inside the building. A woman was shot and killed by police as she attempted to enter the Capitol, at least one improvised explosive device was found on the Capitol grounds, and another three people died due to medical emergencies during the riot, according to police. One man who died was from Pennsylvania. Dozens have been arrested.

Doyle witnessed the action safely from his office in D.C., across the street from the Capitol. He told Pittsburgh City Paper yesterday that Trump is personally responsible for the action, which he called an insurrection.

“You don’t have a right to storm the Capitol, that is like a banana republic,” says Doyle. “This is an insurrection.”

If articles of impeachment were to be brought up, which they reportedly can be on Jan. 11, and the U.S. House votes to impeach Trump, it will be the second time that Trump has been impeached during his term. No president in U.S. history has been impeached more than once. Doyle voted to impeach Trump last year, over Trump's attempts to use the Ukrainian government to provide incriminating info on President-elect Joe Biden.

The other Pittsburgh-area Congressman, Conor Lamb (D-Mt. Lebanon), also voted to impeach Trump the first time. Lamb told WESA reporter Lucy Perkins that he isn't ready to weigh in on 25th amendment/impeachment talk, but says Trump seems to be in "a declining state of mind."

"We have to be ready, based on what we saw from the president, to deal with the threat he could pose to the nation," said Lamb.

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