Boulevard Adult Boutique straddles the old and new worlds of adult entertainment | Pittsburgh City Paper

Boulevard Adult Boutique straddles the old and new worlds of adult entertainment

click to enlarge Boulevard Adult Boutique straddles the old and new worlds of adult entertainment
CP Photo: Sarah Hamm
Inside Boulevard Adult Boutique
What’s old is new again on the Boulevard of the Allies. Standing out against a faded brick building is the rainbow awning and cheerful sign of Boulevard Adult Boutique, affectionately nicknamed “Bou Bou,” which now occupies a space downtown that’s been devoted to adult entertainment in one form or another since 1972.

Up a steep purple staircase reminiscent of Prince’s color palette is a two-room space that owner Michael Krieger emphasizes is still very much “a work in progress” since its opening as Boulevard Adult Boutique in October 2022. Among the many aesthetic changes Krieger has made, what was once a porn theater in the second room now holds lingerie and handmade costumes for exotic dancers. When I ask if the former shops have ever hosted live performances, Krieger blithely opened a door to reveal the heavily mirrored employee bathroom, most likely a one-time dancer’s booth.

Krieger himself has been affiliated with the adult entertainment industry in some capacity for twenty years. Originally attracted to the field simply because he needed a change from his graphic design career, the industry has allowed him freedom of expression. “I started, stayed around, and now own stores because [they are] a place that I can be the most me… the place that I am able to dress how I want and be accepted with little judgment,” he tells Pittsburgh City Paper.

On the day I visited, Krieger’s appearance is muted (his words), but he assures me there is a “more fabulous” version too. In some ways, he’s who you might imagine would work at an adult store — a white man in his 50s, ponytail, with painted black nails that hinted at his latent fabulosity. His voice can fill up the space with an anecdote or joke; it can also drop low but clear when discussing the more personal side of the business, conscious of customers’ needs for both privacy and communication.
click to enlarge Boulevard Adult Boutique straddles the old and new worlds of adult entertainment
CP Photo: Sarah Hamm
Inside Boulevard Adult Boutique
Though many products offered in Boulevard Adult Boutique can be found online, Krieger points out that brick-and-mortar stores have something that online doesn’t: instant gratification. Being able to see and feel a product before buying is another plus to the in-person shopping experience, as well as the opportunity to ask for advice.

Krieger advises newcomers to the adult shopping experience: “Don’t be afraid to ask questions truthfully, no matter how embarrassing … not everybody knows where they're headed and there's kind of a trial period of all things; you're kind of feeling yourself out, especially in the beginning, and what a good establishment will give you is the ability to try and help you feel your way out and through your own sexuality.”

Boulevard Boutique aims to address a multitude of customer desires. Boxes of porn DVDs that seem almost quaint in a world of OnlyFans share the same space as gender and identity-affirming care products. Lauded vibrator brands mingle with puppy play fetish gear. Pride flags and drag fans adorn the walls, while novelty breast-shaped lollipops sit on the counter. It’s a whisper of Spencer’s Gifts, a shade of Fifty Shades of Grey, all cheerfully collected in one space.

This inclusivity is by design. Because the space was previously occupied by another adult store, there is a ready group of established customers who can still expect to find pornography and products like vibrators and dildos. “It behooved me to have that same clientele,” says Krieger, “as opposed to going completely crazy and offering completely different stuff.”

What would he do if he could go completely crazy? The seeds of that passion are already dispersed around the store, particularly in the second room, which now caters to the underserved needs of exotic dancers, offering hand-made dancing wear, light-up platforms, and a wall of Teasers shoes. There’s a nod to size inclusivity with some plus-size lingerie, and a broader shoe size range to accommodate AMAB customers’ needs.

Boulevard Adult Boutique also sells gender and identity-affirming products like chest binders and breast forms, and Krieger is keen to add more. His passion for this line of stock comes from a personal place. “Me and my partner both have gay parents,” Krieger says, “We wanted to give back to the community itself, which is why the trans [affirming products], why I carry a lot of Pride stuff.” Later in the year, he hopes to provide talks and educational opportunities around using these items, as well as demonstrations for basic bondage safety, and more.
click to enlarge Boulevard Adult Boutique straddles the old and new worlds of adult entertainment
CP Photo: Sarah Hamm
Inside Boulevard Adult Boutique
After our initial interview, Krieger reached out with another reflection on how spaces like Boulevard Adult Boutique provide something unique, and how attitudes around acceptance of sexuality have changed— or not.

“Twenty-plus years ago there were more gay/queer clubs, and now they have become scarce,” he points out, because “20 years ago, two men dancing together and kissing on the dance floor of most clubs would be scandalous. It is sad to see that safe spaces are once again needed as attacks on the community are on the rise, with trans and non-binary individuals made the focus of baseless prejudice. I hope that this will always be a safe place for everyone.”
Boulevard Adult Boutique. 346 Boulevard of the Allies, Downtown

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