This Just In: December 16 - 23 | This Just In | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

This Just In: December 16 - 23


Summary: Pittsburgh girds its loins for the first significant (cough, cough) snowfall of the season! Reporter: Paul Martino, KDKA Channel 2 Airtime: 2 minutes, 34 seconds on Dec. 11 Highlights: * When anchor Stephanie Watson reads this stupid intro: "Road crews all over our area have been preparing for this storm for days, and people have been stocking up, ready to hibernate for the week." * When Martino does damage control: "I don't know if hibernation is going to be necessary with this storm, we will see. But here at this Public Works garage ... all is quiet. That will change in a few hours. ... They tell us tonight they are prepared for whatever comes." * Martino's previously recorded reporting: "Pittsburgh's [Department of] Public Works garages were idle Saturday night. They say they've done everything they can to prepare for an incoming storm. And Pittsburghers don't appear to be too worried, either." * When a woman tells Martino, point blank, "I'm not buying toilet paper or milk." He presses, "You're not worried about the incoming storm?" She replies, "No, I'm not worried about it," and then seems to try to get away from Martino. * As archived film from earlier this year rolls, when Martino asks, "Remember this? Who can forget last February's 'Snowmageddeon'? We don't expect anything like this. Still, some Pittsburghers worry about getting their roads plowed this year." * When a woman tells Martino passionately (and loudly), "The city better be out here this year! 'Cause last year, I was stuck for two weeks, couldn't go nowhere! So city of Pittsburgh, come to our streets, please! Especially in Beechview!" * When Martino notes, "It's strange to talk about snow like this on a day when temperatures hit 50 degrees," and then talks to a young man wearing shorts. * When Martino mentions, "All eyes, meantime, will be on the North Shore, when the Steelers fans leave Heinz Field [in] a possible mix of ice and snow. But maybe we're missing the important story." * When a man on the street concludes, "As long as the Steelers win, that's the main thing." What We Learned: This story officially marks the beginning of the winter-storm and salt-pile reporting season. Unanswered Question: Are you listening to that woman in Beechview, Mayor Ravenstahl? News Value: 5, but probably downhill from here. Last week, when I saw barges on the Mon near the Hot Metal Bridge loaded with salt, I knew it was an omen -- an omen of endless "Snowmageddon" stories.

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