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Savage Love

“Finding appropriate partners is harder for seriously kinky men, but it’s a lot easier now than it used to be.”

I’ve been reading your column for a while, and you always advise kinky people to go seek the same within the kink community. But in my experience, the kink community is very “sex right away, get to know you later”-oriented. So I have two questions. First, as someone who’s a bit of an old-fashioned romantic, is there somewhere I can go to find sexually compatible people who are willing to let me get to know them before we fuck? And second, it’s very difficult for me to come in vanilla situations, which has caused some awkwardness in the past. My fetish is intense CBT (cock and ball torture), it’s pretty specific, and in my (admittedly limited) experience, most guys aren’t very willing to let me inflict that kind of pain. Seeing as I’m probably not going to stop dating people from the general pool (shy 24-year-old cub, not into hookups — I take what I can get), do you have any advice for making conventional sex a little better for me?

Horny In SanFran, Bitching About Lacking Love Scene

“Congratulations to HISBALLS for admitting to himself that he has a creative sex drive,” said Donald Roger, the sadistic entrepreneur behind Shotgun Video (, a gay BDSM porn studio that specializes in CBT. “Instead of wasting his time on why-am-I-bored-with-this sex, HISBALLS can look forward to a passionate and fascinating sex life.”

To say that Roger shares your kink, HISBALLS, is putting it mildly: Just torturing another man’s balls — listening to that man moan and groan — is all it takes to make Roger come.

I’m going to quickly answer your main question, HISBALLS, and then let Roger give you some advice that might actually be useful: Hardcore kinksters — kinksters who find it difficult to come in vanilla situations — make conventional sex a little better by entertaining fantasies about their kinks.

But you know what’s better? Dating guys who share or are open to your kinks.

“Finding appropriate partners is harder for seriously kinky men, but it’s a lot easier now than it used to be,” said Roger. “Recon is a worldwide cruising site ( that caters to alt-sex men. HISBALLS can choose a profile name for himself (like MuscleCBT — that guy is notorious), he can put up a few pictures, and most importantly he can write out what he’s looking for. He can tell people if he’s a top or a bottom, give some indication of what experience he’s had, focus on what he wants, but also tell people what his no-fly zones are — as in ‘no unsafe sex, no drugs and no Republicans.’”

You can also find kinky guys at Adam4Adam, Manhunt and BigMuscle. You’ll find kinky guys in the general dating pool, too. And you’re not obligated to jump into bed and/or immediately start torturing the cock and balls of someone you’ve just met.

“HISBALLS can suggest going to a movie or dinner, or taking in the entire opera season together first,” said Roger, “or go straight to bed if it seems right. He should go at the speed that’s right for him. And he’ll be surprised — or more likely stunned — at just how many romantic, CBT-oriented men there are out there.”

A quick programming note about CBT: You can really hurt someone — you can really damage someone — if you attempt CBT without knowing what you’re doing. That’s why Roger produced a series of instructional videos for men who are curious about CBT. Look for videos number 59, 60 and 62 at, a series of lectures/demos. They’re just $10 each. Follow Roger on Twitter @RogerOfShotgun.

Your advice to UGH last week was fine in general — he’s the frustrated man whose wife isn’t interested in sex — and a pretty solid rehash of your standard advice for people trapped in sexless marriages. But I’m writing because you missed something that may have been key: “Currently, she can last having sex for nearly half an hour before feeling exhausted and stopping, regardless of me reaching orgasm or not.” Two things: (1) Half an hour of PIV sex when you’re not feeling it would take a vat of lube and probably still be painful. (2) His wife lies there getting the inside of her vagina sanded off by Jackhammer McGee here and then has the nerve to ask him to stop when it’s too much “regardless” of HIS orgasm?!? What about her orgasm? What about her delicate vaginal tissue getting torn up? Not that he will magically consider her pleasure if he’s blind to her comfort and general well-being, but it might help him put his marriage in perspective.

Engaged Reader Represents

Thanks for your email, ERR, and I really should’ve spotted that. We all have our blind spots, and this is definitely one of mine: When someone says they were having sex for half an hour, I don’t think of 30 minutes of PIV/PIB, as I don’t define “sex” as “penetrative vaginal or anal intercourse.” My working definition of sex includes mutual masturbation, oral, fantasy play and PIV/PIB. So when someone says, “My partner can only last having sex for half an hour,” I imagine half an hour of oral and mutual masturbation and penetration all jumbled together. I need to bear in mind that not all of my readers define sex the same way I do — indeed, far too many people believe penetration is sex and vice versa. Thanks for the reminder, ERR.

CONFIDENTIAL TO AMERICAN WOMEN: Did you watch the big GOP debate last week? Scott Walker said that he supports a ban on abortion with no exception to save the life of the pregnant woman, and Marco Rubio said that women impregnated by rapists should not be allowed to get abortions — and not one of the other eight men onstage objected.

On the Lovecast, Dan and Amanda Marcotte on Planned Parenthood and Republican lunacy:

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The 2024 Pittsburgh Dyke March

By Mars Johnson