Nebby post alert: Lost goose in Greenfield … sort of | Pittsburgh City Paper

Nebby post alert: Lost goose in Greenfield … sort of

There was some windy weather this week in Pittsburgh, as unseasonable warm fronts made their way up to the Steel City. This led to some strange things occurring throughout the region, and some things discovered where they shouldn’t be.

For one neighbor in Pittsburgh’s Greenfield neighborhood, that meant a lost goose in their yard, or so they thought.

“Lost Goose? (I bet this is the strangest post you’ll read today.),” read a recent post on “I woke up very early this morning to take my son to the airport and was walking his puppy when I saw a sleeping goose under my bushes. It was 5:30 in the morning and very dark and yes, I kind of freaked out a little bit. I was really worried for the goose to tell you the truth. I thought it was dead.”

Storms can do freaky things, but luckily for this neighbor, and fowl fans alike, the goose was not dead. In fact, it was never alive. It was made of plastic.

“Turns out that it was indeed dead. Dead as plastic,” wrote the neighbor.
Nebby post alert: Lost goose in Greenfield … sort of (3)
Screenshot taken from Nextdoor
But the neighbor wasn’t the only one fooled. They wrote that the family’s puppy growled at it, too. Eventually, webcam footage proved that it was just a plastic decoy that had been blown into the bushes.

Apparently, someone took the plastic goose away later on. And since this is such a nebby town, the neighbor was just really curious if someone recovered their lost goose or if someone stole a random plastic goose from the yard.

Some neighbors replied to the Nextdoor post attempting to help, and others poked fun and said they should give the goose some water to keep it healthy. Guess we will never know what happened to the lost plastic goose of Greenfield.
CP is going to keep sharing the best nebby posts when we find them, as often as we can, but we also would love our readers to help. If you come across a funny, interesting, or particularly nebby post, please send it our way to [email protected]. We will remove any identification information from the post. (Please don’t send any racist, transphobic, or otherwise offensive content, we have no intentions of amplifying those.)

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