Gab Around ‘Tahn | Opinion | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Gab Around ‘Tahn

Gab Bonesso tests Brillobox patrons on their Steelers knowledge

Gab Around ‘Tahn
Photo: Neal Rosenblat
Gab Bonesso

I invaded Brillobox in Bloomfield on Tue., Jan. 8, armed with a press pass and Arvin Clay, my camera man. This was my first segment in a new series where I’ll be asking random Pittsburghers random questions. Since Brillobox is known for being a super hip club, I thought it would be amusing to ask some questions about the Pittsburgh Steelers. 

Are the Steelers going to win the Super Bowl? (Note: The Steelers aren’t even in the playoffs.)

Check out my video, or read the transcript below:

We bombard a couple sitting at the end of the bar and asked if they would take part in my segment. They foolishly agreed. Meet Marie and Jacob from Shadyside.

Gab: Marie from Shadyside, do you like the Pgh Steelers?

Marie: Um no, I don’t.

Gab: YOU DON’T LIKE THE STEELERS?!!! [Calms down.] OK, that’s fine … Do you think the Steelers are going to win the Super Bowl?

Marie: No. [Looks to Jacob.] Are they?

Jacob: [Shrugs.] I don’t know.

I dig further to find out that it’s not that they don’t like the Steelers, they just don’t like football. I shamelessly plug my comedy career and move on to two dudes sitting at the opposite (better lit) side of the bar. I approach holding my press pass like it’s an FBI badge. They are reluctant (smart boys), but agree in the end. Meet Devin and Zack from Lawrenceville!

Gab: Do either of you like the Pittsburgh Steelers?

Zack: Vaguely.

Gab: That’s fair. Do you think they are a good team?

Devin: [Whispers.] Yeah.

Gab: I mean, athletically not morally?

Zack: [Laughs.] Let’s not get into that! Yes, athletically, they are a decent team.

Gab: Do you guys think they could win the Super Bowl?

Zack: No. [Laughs.] Not at all.

Gab: [Looking at Devin.] Do you? 

Devin: They won’t, but I think they could. They have the skill.

Gab: So you think they could?

Devin: Yes, they have the skill.

Gab: Thank you. I love someone with hope!

Then, man named Matthew from Bloomfield stopped us and asked, “Are the Steelers even in the playoffs?”

At this point I admitted that I’m not technically a “Sports Reporter” and I’m not sure about playoffs. In a final attempt for clarity, I scream out to the one and only Katie, Brillobox’s beloved Bartender.

Gab: Katie, Are the Steelers going to win the Super Bowl?

Katie: I really don’t care.

I think that sums it up, folks. The cats at the Brillobox aren’t giving the Steelers finger snaps this year (or any year apparently). However, at least Devin has some hope for this year’s Super Bowl.

Until next time, I’m Gab. Catch me around TAHN.

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