Chat with new WYEP evening mix host Liz Felix | Music | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Chat with new WYEP evening mix host Liz Felix

"Public radio is the most powerful way to reach music fans and connect a strong community of listeners."

click to enlarge Chat with new WYEP evening mix host Liz Felix
Photo: Steve Felix
Liz Felix

After saying goodbye to longtime WYEP evening host Cindy Howes, earlier this week the public radio station announced the position will be filled by Liz Felix, a radio programmer and host with 15 years of experience in the triple-A format.

“I’m thrilled that Liz will be joining us to host the Evening Mix,” says Mike Sauter, the station’s director of content and programming. “With her depth of experience in public radio and her passion for music she’ll not only be a great host, but she’ll be able to help us serve our community with fresh and creative programming ideas.”

Felix is currently the communications director at BirdNote, a public media program about birds and the environment that airs on over 200 radio stations nationwide. She has also been part of the on-air programming teams at four stations, most recently WNKU in Cincinnati and WAPS in Akron, Ohio.

“I believe that public radio is an invaluable resource for the communities we serve,” says Felix. “I love introducing audiences to great music, and I know from experience that public radio is the most powerful way to reach music fans and connect a strong community of listeners. I am truly looking forward to joining the team at WYEP.”

Felix is set to start the position April 1. Ahead of her move from her current home in Seattle, Pittsburgh City Paper chatted with the new host about music, BirdNote, and the 'Burgh.

What is your favorite record right now?

I learned about Pittsburgh rapper Benji. on WYEP when they had him in the studio a few weeks ago, and I've had Smile, You're Alive! on repeat since then. I also really like the new Phoebe Bridgers/Conor Oberst record Better Oblivion Community Center.

What was your favorite record growing up?
Wow, that's a tough one. I was a huge Beatles fan - that's what really got me interested in music. If I had to choose a favorite, it would probably be Revolver. I still treasure that album.

Tell me about BirdNote, an entire program dedicated to birds? How do you like working there?
BirdNote is a daily two-minute radio show about birds, the environment, and how birds and people relate to each other. We produce longer audio programming about those topics too. It's been a wonderful place to work - the people who work on the show are great, and I've had a chance to learn a lot about birds. They're fascinating creatures.

What are you up to until your April 1 start date?
I'm continuing to work at BirdNote for a few more weeks, then getting ready for the long distance move from Seattle to Pittsburgh.

Do you know Pittsburgh? What’s your approach to getting to know the city?
I don't know a lot about Pittsburgh yet. I spent about seven years living and working in Akron, Ohio and a lot of my friends from that part of the world have told me how great Pittsburgh is and how much I'll like it. Mike Sauter just sent me some tips for driving in Pittsburgh; I'm a bit nervous about that! Working at a community-focused radio station is a great way to get to know a city and its music scene. I'll be heading out to sample the live music scene, restaurants, and parks when I get to town.

What are you most looking forward to with the new position?
I've been impressed with how welcoming listeners and people from Pittsburgh have been since WYEP made the announcement that I'll be joining them. I'm looking forward to meeting fans of the station and people in the local music community. And of course, I'm looking forward to playing music on the air again!

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