Your Essential Cinco De Mayo Playlist | Blogh

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Your Essential Cinco De Mayo Playlist

Turn up the heat on your party with these hot summer jams

Posted By on Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 9:26 AM

Music can make or break a party, and there's nothing worse than a lifeless fiesta. Pittsburgh City Paper has your back this Cinco De Mayo with the hottest Latin hits of today and yesterday. Hey, we even took the time to compile them all in a neat Spotify playlist! You're welcome amigo.

BUT if you're more of a party attender rather than a party thrower, why not come to Pittsburgh City Paper's Cinco De Derby party at the Rivers Casino on May 5th, 2018? If you didn't catch it from the name, Cinco De Derby is the rare day when the worlds and cultures of Kentucky and Latin America come together. There will be entertainment, food, drink, and games! We guarantee it'll be a lively evening! 🔥🔥🔥

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