Music video premiere: The Lampshades, "Gotta Do" | Blogh


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Music video premiere: The Lampshades, "Gotta Do"

Posted By on Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 10:00 AM

Perhaps you've been thinking, "Hmm, i wonder when local '90s slack-rock trio The Lampshades are planning to release a follow-up to their 2014 record Numbskull Nothinghead?" Well, the answer is ... sometime in 2016. In the meantime, they've released a new single, "Gotta Do," as well as a music video for the song, which we're premiering below.

In typical Lampshades fashion, "Gotta Do"  is lose, catchy, a tad jammy and kind of a bummer, and the same could be said of the video, which — incidentally — gave me flashbacks to middle school chess club. (Trigger warning?)

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